C++ pattern matching:
The following code example shows how to use regular expressions in C++ to see if a string is a valid name or not (names are 2-10 letters, no punctuation, no numbers):
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//name regex demo
//names are letters only
string this_matches = “Anthony”;
string does_not_match = “Barbara234”;
regex nameExp(“^[A-Za-z]{2,10}$”);
//above regex means 2-10 uppercase or lowercase characters
//with nothing else, as designated by ^ for the beginning
//and $ to indicate the end
cout << regex_match(this_matches, nameExp) << endl;
//above line displays 1, meaning it matches
cout << regex_match(does_not_match, nameExp) << endl;
//the above line displays 0, meaning it did not match
return 0;