If you don’t have a computer (which will severely limit your ability to code), your best bet is to use Termux on an Android device, as well as some web-based tools. Termux is unfortunately not available for iOS because Apple wants to protect consumers by disallowing code, compilers, OS system calls (also called syscalls), and other tools which could potentially be used maliciously (even if there are plenty of legitimate uses for them).
Be sure to run the following commands in Termux:
pkg install coreutils
pkg install busybox
pkg install python
pkg install vim-python
pkg install htop
Other useful hints:
pkg help
pkg search something_to_search_for
pkg install something_to_install
pkg update
pkg upgrade
Running a Python script:
touch test.py
vim test.py
python test.py
Hit i to enter insert mode in vim so you can type in code for your test.py program. Remember that you can exit vim by typing :q and then hitting enter. Or to save, hit :w and then enter. To save and then quit, use :wq and then hit enter. To discard changes and exit without saving, hit :q! and then enter.
If you want to do C/C++ programming, do this:
pkg install clang
pkg is the Termux package manager.
If you use echo $SHELL in Termux, you will see that the default shell is bash, so the previous section about shell scripting still applies here.
To quit the Termux app on an Android phone or tablet, use the exit command.
Congratulations on completing section 7!

Your proficiency with using the command line will help you immensely when you’re coding.