Assignment operators in Java:
int someNumber = 2;
someNumber += 1;
someNumber *= 2;
someNumber -= 2;
someNumber /= 2;
Java’s binary operators (operators with two operands):
Addition or concatenation: +
Subtraction: –
Multiplication: *
Regular division: /
Modulus: %
Exponentiation: Math.pow(9, 2);
Floor division: Math.floor(10.0 / 3.0);
Equality: ==
Not equal to: !=
Assignment: =
Greater than or equal to: >=
Greater than: >
Less than or equal to: <=
Less than: <
And: &&
Or: ||
Java’s unary operators (operators with one operand):
Pre-increment: ++i;
Post-increment: i++;
Pre-decrement: –i;
Post-decrement: i–;
C++ is named after the post-increment operator, saying it’s +1 over C, which is the language it’s based on.
The difference between post- and pre- operators is when they add. If you do something like this:
int x = 3;
It gets printed out, then 1 is added to it afterwards.
The output will be this:
But if you use a pre-increment operator instead of a post-increment one:
int x = 3;
Then this is the output:
Pre-increment adds one and then does everything else afterwards.